Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stevie Wonder Doesn't Drive

Two recent commercials that use... what used to be... credible indie records. Great records that will now forever be tainted.

Really? Is this what we've come to? You sell your song before it's even a few years old? Is this the result of mass downloading for free? Is there nothing sacred to younger artists in this post-post-post-post modern world?

This was the best song of
Veckatimest. Too bad. I was shocked to see it.

Spike Jonze using "Wake Up" in "Where the Wild Things Are" was perfect. Really fit with the film and was contributing to something artistic... couldn't The Arcade Fire have just been happy with that? What's worse is that I fucking hate American Football.

While you're at it, go look at
Patrick Daughters great music video for "Two Weeks" and then try to forget you ever like the song.


manders said...

stevie wonder doesn't drive... DRUNK


i remember ms. yonkers had a poster in her room with stevie wonder that said "I would drive myself before I let someone drive me drunk." always left me with the giggs.

pazzmore said...

gawd. what a terrible song.