Thursday, February 11, 2010

Best Damn Commercial

Anyone who knows me should know that I LOVE this Burger King ad from 1978. Unfortunately, this is about the best video I could find of it. Just play it a few times and watch the glory of public outbursts. I want so badly to march into a Burger King with a gang of children singing this song and marching as hard as we can while holding a bag of shitty-ass burgers.

BTW, I will give Murder King props for at least having a veggie burger on the menu in every store around the country.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bellers Bellers Bellers

Simply one of the best promos I've seen as of late. Man City have got some really creative forces working for them. Even if you hate Craig Bellamy, you have to admit this is top stuff. In this case, Chris Kay, Head of Marketing for MCFC. Paul Woodward, Editor. David Simpson, Creative Director, Music.

Stevie Wonder Doesn't Drive

Two recent commercials that use... what used to be... credible indie records. Great records that will now forever be tainted.

Really? Is this what we've come to? You sell your song before it's even a few years old? Is this the result of mass downloading for free? Is there nothing sacred to younger artists in this post-post-post-post modern world?

This was the best song of
Veckatimest. Too bad. I was shocked to see it.

Spike Jonze using "Wake Up" in "Where the Wild Things Are" was perfect. Really fit with the film and was contributing to something artistic... couldn't The Arcade Fire have just been happy with that? What's worse is that I fucking hate American Football.

While you're at it, go look at
Patrick Daughters great music video for "Two Weeks" and then try to forget you ever like the song.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Totally Jam

Can't deny it. The Jam were perfectly named.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Are You My God?

Skateboarding Totally Rules Everything Else Totally Sucks. Super nice guys. Super good band. Super good times.

What you don't have bobognargnar?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Modern World

said 'fuck it' and bought an HD LCD TV and started watching some serious modern world shit

you know, food network is cutting edge modern

Blue Snow

This Friday and Saturday at the Loft. 10pm. Why not go on both nights?

"Let the Right One In"

Overpriced Jerk-Off

Saw two films this weekend on DVD.
"Inglourious Basterds" and "Precious". Two of the more hyped films of the last year (or years).

Watched Basterds first and was super pumped for it... only to be left wondering where all the radness went. What is this? I was hoping for a WWII QT flick and instead got some music video, confused, overpriced jerk off session. Yes, there are fine moments in the movie (the scene in the basement pub) and some kick ass acting (Christoph Waltz ya heard)... but they are too sparse. This movie comes across as the most "Hey, look at me. I'm directing!" film of QT's career. So overblown and so pretentious. True, dude can write some great dialogue every now and then, but who can't? I want great dialogue throughout the whole piece like Tarantino did in the beginning. I'm gonna give this guy 2 more chances to make another killer film, something he hasn't done since "Jackie Brown", and then I'm done with his stupid ass. He can join the other young disappointers like Spike Lee and M. Night Shymalan.

"Precious" on the other hand was pretty damn good. Yeah, it has some serious foul-mouthed after-school special qualities to it, but for the most part it was just a good filmmaking. Interesting characters, narrative, photography and damn good acting. Mo'Nique and this new girl Gabourey Sidibe were just excellent. I don't know which one was better, to hard to say, but wow, the scenes with them together are some of the most intense I've seen in a while. Way more intense than any scene in Basterds that's for sure. I guess I need to see Lee Daniels' other film "Shadowboxer"... the cast is ridiculous. Oh yeah, how about the posters for "Precious"? Really good.